A collection of usefull tools and programs for all you Sim skinners
Sim Tools
Simshow (down the bottom of the page)
A program created by Maxis, that allows you to preview skins and then import them into the game with a click of a button. Its interface is very simple to get to grips with so its recomended for newcomers. Click here to visit their site
Great program that allows you to move individual body parts of your Sim so you can do cool looking poses. You can also rotate and zoom in so you can see your skins up close to see how they look. Useful for taking pictures showing off skins. Click here to visit their site
Another program that you can use to preview your skins. Allows you to fully rotate and zoom in/out aswell. Also has a very handy option that allows you to export the UV maps of your mesh, so you can see exactly where to position things on your skins. I couldnt find a link to this on the net, but try searching for it on
Skn2obj convertor
Converts .skn files to .obj so you can edit meshes in 3d programs like Milkshape 3D. I couldnt find a link to this on the net, but try searching for it on
Paint Programs
Excellent paint program that features heaps and heaps of different features and options. If you can afford it, I highly recommend it (Its what I use). Click here to visit their site
Similiar to PhotoShop but alot cheaper. It has some good features and options as well. Click here to visit their site
Nice and cheap 3d editing program you can use if you want to create your own meshes and accessories (or models for all sorts of games, for that matter). Although lacking in some parts compared to other (extremely) higher priced 3d programs, it does the job fine and seems to be the program of chose when it comes to meshes.Click here to visit their site
A free paint program that beats using MS Paint. Havent tried this but its gotta be better then MS Paint! Click here to visit their site.